Thursday, July 2, 2009

Confirming What I Always Knew

Tip of the day...

If you're going to be late to work, it's probably best not to be seen online on Facebook 10 minutes before you're scheduled to be at work when you have an over 30 minute drive.

See... Your coworkers all pretty much knew you were full of shit all those times that "traffic" made you 20 minutes late. Now, I have proof.

Don't worry though. I won't say or do anything about it. Even though I hate how you're constantly late AND how you take a hundred mini breaks all day long AND how you'll stand around and do absolutely nothing but talk about your boring fucking life unless specifically told to do something, I won't voice my disapproval.

You see... I hate confrontation so much that I'd rather quietly fume about it all day at work until I can come home and vent about it on this blog than to address the issue and fix the problem. Basically, I'm a wuss.

But I already knew I was a wuss. Just like I already knew you were full of shit. This just gives me something more to complain about, and what's my life if I don't have something to complain about?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you won't be happy until you start fixing the fixable instead of letting it rent space in your head.

Anonymous said...

If you're the PIC then it's your responsibility to deal with the problem. If you're not the PIC, then I guess it's your choice whether you want to deal with it or just fume. Got to agree Anonymous above.

Anonymous said...

You are doing this employee no favors by allowing this to continue, and I can guarantee that the rest of the employees resent the fact that this person is allowed to be late over and over. I've been the "other employee" for several years now, and it still amazes me how I can manage to get myself and two children out of the house and get to work on time, whereas my chronically late co-worker has only herself to get together yet she can't manage to do so more than 2 days a week. Write her/him up!!

Anonymous said...

Passive-aggressive I think they call it, but I deal with it to. Problem is you know that the result won't be correction of the problem, just more tension in rx dept, and so we let it slide and do our job. If we called out every employee texting, etc, we'd be alone busting our cans all day. Can't blame you, after a while you just feel like "whatever". And while everyone complains abt the problem, when you step up and address it, everyone else takes a step back and let's you be the heavy and act's surprised there was a problem.

Pharmacy Mike said...

You know... That's exactly it.

Everyone complains about this stuff, but at the same time, we all like this employee. Yes, some of the antics piss us off, but this person is very likeable, so we let it slide.

Therefore, if the situation is addressed, it creates tension in the department, and that's even worse than this person showing up late or being lazy all day.

Brother Frankie said...

just a note.. with the new phones out, when i am stuck in traffic, i can post to facebook. i do it once in a while,

just a thought..

Pharmacy Mike said...

I was originally going to include the fact that this person does not have one of those fancy phones.

Brother Frankie said...

mike, u never let me win...

this is def not a fair and balanced blog.. :)

hey folks,

have a safe fourth.
be blessed

Bro Frankie

Pharmacy Mike said...

That's actually a personality flaw that people have pointed out in me. I do tend to need the last word, and I have an overwhelming desire to be right...

You know what... I think I'm going to turn that into a blog post. More coming soon...

Brother Frankie said...

oh yeah huh..